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A view of the District Museum’s storage room

The Wewelsburg District Museum, with its two museum departments, has an extensive collection focus.

The collection consists of objects and documents from the social, economic and cultural history of the Paderborn region as well as from the field of contemporary history. The regional history collection includes archaeological finds from prehistory and early history, an extensive collection of chests from the 16th to the 19th century, valuable religious sculptures and numerous objects from everyday rural life.

In the collection of contemporary history the object testimonies are of particular importance; these document for example the history of the local concentration camp (e.g. camp uniforms, concentration camp letters) and the lives and self-image of the SS men and their families. In addition to many documents (including building plans of the SS) and archival reproductions on the history of the concentration camp and the SS, the collection also includes a digitised collection of contemporary witness interviews, an extensive stock of National Socialist literature and around 4,000 photographs of contemporary history.

Around 20,000 objects are currently inventoried. The collection is housed in air-conditioned storage rooms. A reference library and media library are also available for use. After prior registration, the collections and reference library can be used for research purposes.

Wewelsburg District Museum

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