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Guided Tours

Our museum´s pedagogues offer interesting and informative tours, that allow profound studies of the topic. Benefit from the competence of our historians and museum´s pedagogues! Guided tours can have different main themes (focus mainly on the the permanent exhibition "Ideology and Terror of the SS" or focus mainly on Wewelsburg village and the still present historical remains of the SS-period or focus mainly on the former concentration camp area etc.).

Group size

10 to 25 people (max.)

For visitors aged

14 and older


at least 2 hours


Guided tours cost between 40 € (in german language) and 50 € (in english language). We offer free group tours for young people, vocational trainees and apprentices, and students.

To obtain information or register please call

0049 (0)2955 76220

You can also participate in public guided tours that take place regularly (also in english language, for the dates check out the german site below "Veranstaltungen").

Gedenkstätte Wewelsburg

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